Monday, June 21, 2010


Today, at work, my grandmother came to visit. She lives about two minutes away from the golf course and my grandfather works there with me. Anyway, we were talking (me ranting, actually) about the miserable pieces of humanity I have to deal with over the phone. Well doesn't she say "And you want to be a lawyer? Talk about the humanity that they deal with!" My heart stopped not from fear, but from semi-joy that someone was taking me seriously!! I reassured her that I'd be on the side of the "good guys," that the humanity would be on the other side of the courtroom.

I was so excited it nearly made what started as a crappy day sparkle.

PS - I love, love, love Linda Fairstein and her novels. Some of the best books I have ever read and I am overjoyed that I decided to pick up my half-finished copy of The Bone Vault during my boredom at work and find myself flying through all of them. Right now, halfway done with Lethal Legacy and cannot wait to get my hands on Hell Gate. It's lovely to be able to see inside, really inside, what life as a NYC prosecutor really is like. Linda is not making this up or trying to remember what the offices looked like from a short research visit. SHE LIVED IT! Such an inspiration and an amazing author. But, she should also sort of get Alex and Mike together. Just saying that with all the sexual tension she has built between them over the series, SOMETHING needs to happen!

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