Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oh What a Night!

New York was amazing!!

The hotel was small, but very nice otherwise. Not nearly as creepy as I thought it would be. Just lots of black and white with gothic touches. Plus, only a block from Times Square! We went to 30 Rock, Radio City Music Hall, the Hershey and M&M stores, and the NBC store, and yes, I bought a Law and Order mug. We had dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner before heading off to see Lion King. Absolutely beautiful show, by the way. I still tear up during Circle of Life and when Mufasa dies. Wednesday we had breakfast at the hotel and went to the American Girl Place for my cousin. And here was my favorite part of the day: we stopped by the Times Square Information Center and SAW SETH RUDETSKY!!! He's one of the hosts from Sirius XM On Broadway and he's absolutely amahzing. Lunch at Olive Garden before getting on the bus home.

My only complaint was not being able to get down to Foley Plaza to see the courthouses, but we can do that another trip. Especially since I'll need to return to NYC to research law schools and most of them are located near the Financial District.

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