Monday, August 16, 2010

8 More Work Days...

The glamor of working in a golf course's phone room has worn off. I needn't say that it was never there to begin with. I have run out of books to read and re-read and playing pointless games on the internet is no longer entertaining. I may never want to see a polo shirt again, which is strange coming from me who loves polos. I never want to answer the phone with a cheerful "Good morning/afternoon, Juniper Hill Golf Course, how can I help you?" ever again.

Needless to say, I cannot wait for August 27th when I can break myself out of the cramped office I have spent every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday since May.

In other news...
I'm still researching law schools. NYLS still looks to be my favorite, but three others have arrived on-scene. They are Brooklyn Law School in Brooklyn, NY, New England Law, and Suffolk University's School of Law, both of which are in Boston, MA. I'm starting to look in Washington, DC as well. The only thing that has remained steady in this search is that I want to study in a city, not in the rural areas that I have grown up and spent my undergrad years in.

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