Friday, October 15, 2010

See That Girl, Watch That Scene!

I've commented on multiple occasions to my mom that I'm in love with this rooming situation this year. Just one example occurred tonight. Both me and my roommate are working at our school's Open House tomorrow and have to be up at 7am. Instead of going out for the night, we spent the night with her boyfriend watching Mamma Mia. Like, that would have NEVER EVER happened last year. We sang along to songs, had our RA join in when she went by on her rounds, and generally had a very light-hearted time. We're always in bed before midnight and if one of us is staying up, all but one light is off. It's lovely compared to the horror that was last year's situation.

Also, the law internship in D.C. is coming along nicely. I met with a resume person who gave me the okay for my current resume with a few suggestions for it. Now I just need to polish everything before I submit the application in January!

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