Monday, October 11, 2010

Internship, Ahoy!

I'm aiming for a legal internship this summer in Washington, D.C.. My only complaint so far is the resume writing.

I brought a rough-rough draft to the campus's career center for a review. Needless to say, the woman there was incredibly bitchy about it and made me hesitant to return if I was going to be treated the same way. Well, I've re-done the resume and am ready to step foot in the career center again, but this time I made an appointment with someone other than the person I worked with before. I also didn't use an online form but followed a paper I was given before I left last time, so the format should be correct.

However, I've started looking really in-depth at possible intern sites. Unfortunately, my top choice, NCIS, isn't accepting interns for the summer of 2011 since they are moving their headquarters from the Navy Yard to Quantico, VA. So my short list includes the U.S. Department of Justice, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, the local and U.S. District Courts, Office of the Attorney General, American Prosecutors Research Institute, and the U.S. Marshal though I am not opposed to looking at other places. I think it would be amazing to intern with the FBI if that was possible because, honestly, would that not be an amazing experience?

I'm also looking at housing. I could live on campus of American University, the school the internships are offered through, but I really want to live closer to the Mall and the Capitol. So, there's a group called WISH (Washington Intern Student Housing) that has houses right along the Capitol Hill and I would kill to get a bed there.

I'm getting so excited about this internship!! And lucky for me, my parents are completely behind me so far. If anything, they can visit me in D.C. for the Fourth of July or something, which plans to be great. How can it not be?

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