Thursday, December 2, 2010

Too Slow or Too Quickly?

Sometimes I just wish I was already in law school, spending 20 hours a day studying or in class. Other days I even wish I was in the District Attorney's office in New York City.

And then there are days that I'm terrified of law school, that I want to stay in my safe undergraduate studies.

I mean, I know I want to go to law school. Unlike my year as a Secondary Education major, I honestly don't see my dream of being a prosecutor fading away. I could spend all day sitting in my Criminal Justice System class with the other CJ "geeks". Where else could I get excited about the Bill of Rights, talk death penalty in terms of constitutionality, or have someone finish my rambling of the Miranda warnings and be able to cite the Supreme Court case they stemmed from? I'm just hoping that my Crime and Delinquency class next semester proves to be just as entrancing as Criminal Justice has been...

My favorite courtroom drama, The Whole Truth, returned last night with many excited squeals from me. I adore SVU, Bones, and Castle, but I'm more in love with WT since it takes place in the courtroom and goes so far as to show both sides of the case, all the steps involved in building a case.

In other news, I'm still applying for an internship in Washington, D.C. this summer. I'm aiming for one of the district courts or something similar. I draw the line, unless it's my only choice, at interning at a corporate law firm. It's something I've never been interested in and I want this summer to be worthwhile and interesting. My dad has already booked a hotel room around the Fourth of July to visit me over the summer without me knowing if I even have an internship yet! The trust is overwhelming.

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