Sunday, January 23, 2011

I've NEVER been this sad to leave for school. EVER! Normally, I'm the one counting the days down until I can get back to campus.

I thought that if I went to bed early, I could sleep this feeling off. No such luck. I woke up this morning and the thought of going back is starting to make me so sad that I could cry.

I am praying and begging that my final run on the treadmill for the week will lift my spirits, but somehow I don't see that working.

I tried to joke with my parents, saying that I'd rather stay here when they asked what time I want to leave for Rhode Island. Mom seemed to see what I was getting at since she responded with the fact that I' would be so unhappy sitting at home without school to keep me busy and occupied.

This is getting just plain ridiculous. I don't know if I'm going to be able to say goodbye to everyone without breaking down into tears.

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