Sunday, January 30, 2011


My mantra of the week: I'm okay. I can do this. I am fine.

I talked to the family counselor and she was very nice and helpful. I was afraid that I would break down again after spending a weekend at home. And I almost did. As Mom said "Are you crying?" before I left, I did start to tear up. But I knew that it wasn't as bad as it was last weekend.

I'm sad to see Dad leave me because it feels weird and somehow not right to be back. But I am going to re-arrange the room like my counselor said I should and I brought one of my favorite posters (Beauty and the Beast) down as well as more hooks to hang things up in different areas.

The SAG Awards are on tonight and I have some homework to do so I should be able to distract myself long enough to realize that I'm fine down here.

But until that happens, I keep repeating "I'm fine. It's okay. This is simple. I can do this!"

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