Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I use the word "hate" often, but I almost never mean it. This time, I do.

I honestly hate my brother's ex-girlfriend. She may biologically be eighteen years old, but she certainly acts like she is four. They broke up about three weeks into the fall college semester over the phone. Not a week later, she had gotten a new boyfriend while my brother became depressed and has been dismissed from college for horrible grades.

Yesterday, my brother wrote to her on Facebook that he was un-friending her since it was the best thing for him to do at the moment. My mother claims that the message was gentle and understanding. The response from the bitch was anything but. She mocked him for failing out of school, called him names, and was incredibly rude.

I have long un-friended her but right now, I wish I could get the guts to friend her again just to write exactly what is on my mind on her Facebook Wall.

What really irks me is that we practically made her one of our family members. We fed her all summer, we took her to Disney World in February, we bought her a phone and a laptop, and we got her into the college of her choice. We treated her better than her own family. And it just feels like she has taken all of that and shoved it down the toilet. And it pisses me off.

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